Alvinette Collie

School Counselor Grades 7th and 8th (L-M)

314-867-0410 ext. 36107

Alvinette Collie is a School Counselor at Westview Middle School with 10 years of counseling experience.   She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Missouri Saint Louis in Psychology.  Later she earned a Master of Arts degree in School Counseling at Missouri Baptist University. 

Her graduate education in counseling gave her a thorough understanding of how important this time is in a student’s life during the middle and high school years. Alvinette believes a quality learning experience is built on cooperative efforts among valued stake-holders – the parent/guardian, child, teacher and school counselor to support students’ diverse needs.

Some of Alvinette’s best training came while simply listening to students. In small groups, she invited students to open up regarding their fears, challenges, and hopes. Mrs. Collie used that knowledge to craft productive whole group presentations and small counseling groups. Her goal is to always create and reinforce a positive, safe, and nurturing school environment that fosters creativity and exploration.

Mrs. Collie has received several awards and honors over her years of service.  2019 Educator/Teacher of the Year, Riverview Gardens School District,  2011 Outstanding Service Award, Imagine Schools, 2010 Outstanding Service Award, Imagine Schools and  2007 Outstanding Service 5th year Award, Saint Louis University Membership.

Alvinette is a proud member and volunteer with varies organization in her local community such as Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., the American School Counselor Association, the Missouri School Counselor Association, the NAACP, Saint Louis Chapter, The Spirit Church- Hospitality Committee, Girl’s Word, Inc. – Facilitator, Interview Committees, Westview Middle School & Imagine Schools and Saint Louis University Scholarship Committee, Saint Louis University.
